Tim Livingston LivFit Services

LivFit Muscle System Care > Tim Livingston LivFit Services

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Muscle System Care


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Muscle Systems Care Can Help YOU

  1. Feel and move better
  2. Recover from injuries
  3. Have confidence in your body

What we do

  1. Identify aspects of your muscle system where your muscles do not contract efficiently
  2. Intervene to improve your muscle contraction
  3. We help increase the likelihood that your muscle contraction quality remains high



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Strategic Personal Training


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Tim Livingston helps his clients to get into the best shape of their lives! From injury rehab to elite personal training let Tim guide you on your fitness journey with the services offered below!


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[av_iconlist_item title=’Overall Fitness’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue806′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-3v6r1n’ heading_tag=” heading_class=”]
From complete fitness beginners to highest level athletes, all of Overall Fitness Personal Training programs are custom made to fit each client’s individual needs. Whether the goal is to maximize weight loss, build muscle or achieve good cardio health, these programs will help clients progress towards that goal.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Hybrid PT’ link=’manually,https://livfitmsc.com/services/#hybrid-pt’ linktarget=” linkelement=’both’ icon=’ue894′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-3pzsc3′ heading_tag=” heading_class=”]
This program incorporates Muscle Systems Care with any Personal Training program.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Athletic Training’ icon=’ue8fe’ font=’entypo-fontello’ heading_tag=” heading_class=” link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” av_uid=’av-e8yir’]
Sports require strength and power, balance and coordination, agility and quickness and flexibility of specific muscles groups. Improve your performance with a properly planned sport specific personal training program.

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“I have suffered from back pain and spasm for 25 years. As a result of working with Tim, I am pain-free and stronger than I have been in decades. I had tried a number of modalities, including physical therapy and chiropractic, none of which were ultimately successful. Tim’s approach is different. He skillfully assesses where you are weak and and implements a sound, gradual, and targeted strengthening program. While other modalities focus on specific muscles or joints, Tim’s approach focuses on muscle groups —  importantly, ones that control actual movements that we all use in activities of daily living and in exercise. My only regret is that I did not find Tim years ago.”

Earl Glusac, M.D.
Professor of Pathology and Dermatology
Yale University School of Medicine


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Hybrid PT


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Hybrid PT is a very unique fitness program that combines cardio and range of motion and resistance exercises to improve overall strength, endurance, stability and flexibility. Tim Livingston from LivFit makes Hybrid PT as a foundation as part of his client’s overall exercise program.

Tim recommends his clients to go through an evaluation to reveal what positions their body displays weakness and instability. This information will help him appropriately implement an exercise program that helps his clients meet their fitness goals safely and effectively.

Below are the benefits of this program:

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[av_iconlist_item title=’Injury Prevention’ icon=’ue806′ font=’entypo-fontello’ heading_tag=” heading_class=” link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” av_uid=’av-15do3′]
Muscles get worn down by everything we do, from exercise to just your average day at work. When they shut down, more stress is put on your ligaments and tendons, leading to inflammation and injury. This fitness program can help your body to get into a position that your muscles can respond quickly and effectively to remain healthy.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Recovery’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue855′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-1t3odv’ heading_tag=” heading_class=”]
With this fitness program, your body does not have to change its resources to repair itself from overworked muscles. The recovery process speeds up, so you can live fit and move free sooner.
[av_iconlist_item title=’Joint Health’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue891′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-1k4b6j’ heading_tag=” heading_class=”]
You want to protect the surfaces that rub together between your bones. If all of the muscles around your joint move properly, then this promotes normal joint wear. This fitness program can help slow down that wear of an already arthritic joint.

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[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Melissa J.’ subtitle=” link=’http://’ linktext=” av_uid=’av-rgb6b’]

I met Tim in 2005 and learned how to exercise. He has not only taught me proper form and technique over the years, but he has always customized my training program as we both continue to evolve with my skill and his education. We could not have maintained a relationship this long without his continued education incorporating fun, interesting and new ways to achieve my overall fitness and health goals. Training with Tim is a lifestyle for me.

[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Michael O.’ subtitle=” link=” linktext=” av_uid=’av-m1uej’]

My shoulder/rotator cuff issue was persisting for more than 18 months. I had tried chiropractic treatments as well as acupuncture and nothing worked. Once I started working with Tim and his Hybrid PT technique I felt some relief after just one session, and was completely healed after about 10-12 sessions with no recurrence. I have also been working with Tim as a Personal Trainer for about two years and I’m in the best shape of my life. His workouts are targeted, efficient, and get results.

[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Tina C.’ subtitle=” link=” linktext=” av_uid=’av-1970j’]

Tim is clear about what he is treating, and can recommend a workout with modifications that keeps me active and free of pain. No other therapist or trainer has been able to modify my workout so precisely. He understands the physics of how the body moves and can make very fine adjustments to the angle or range of a motion so it reduces strain on weak areas. He’s positive and encouraging and helps me set realistic goals.

[av_testimonial_single src=” name=’Marcia B.’ subtitle=” link=” linktext=” av_uid=’av-7wwn7′]

I have been training with Tim for over three years. He is passionate about fitness, and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to each session. He establishes individualized exercise programs that are both challenging and realistic. His exceptional knowledge and education, combined with his bright, patient, and encouraging personality, create a standard by which all trainers should aspire.
